

每个程序员应该了解的97件事 - Act with Prudence。

Act with Prudence


Act with Prudence


Act with Prudence(Prudence 英 /ˈpruːdns/ 审慎,谨慎)

“无论你做什么,都要行事谨慎并考虑后果” Anon

“Whatever you undertake, act with prudence and consider the consequences” Anon


No matter how comfortable a schedule looks at the beginning of an iteration(迭代,循环), you can’t avoid being under pressure some of the time. If you find yourself having to choose between “doing it right” and “doing it quick” it is often appealing to “do it quick” on the understanding that you’ll come back and fix it later. When you make this promise to yourself, your team, and your customer, you mean it. But all too often the next iteration brings new problems and you become focused on them. This sort of deferred work is known as technical debt and it is not your friend. Specifically(特别地,具体的说), Martin Fowler(马丁·福勒 ThoughtWorks的首席科学家) calls this deliberate(英 /dɪˈlɪbərət/ 故意的,蓄意的) technical debt in his taxonomy(英 /tækˈsɒnəmi/ 分类) of technical debt, which should not be confused(英 /kənˈfjuːzd/ 混乱的,糊涂的。跟refuse:拒绝 区分开) with inadvertent(英 /ˌɪnədˈvɜːtnt/ 疏忽的,无意中做的) technical debt.


Technical debt is like a loan(英 /ləʊn/ 贷款): You benefit from it in the short-term, but you have to pay interest on it until it is fully paid off. Shortcuts(快捷键,捷径) in the code make it harder to add features or refactor(重构) your code. They are breeding(繁殖,生产) grounds for defects(缺点,瑕疵,不合格) and brittle(脆弱的) test cases. The longer you leave it, the worse it gets. By the time(等到,到…时候) you get around to(get around to, 抽出时间做,开始考虑做) undertaking the original fix there may be a whole stack(一整堆) of not-quite-right(不完全正确) design choices layered(分层的) on top of the original problem making the code much harder to refactor and correct(改正vt. 正确的adj.). In fact, it is often only when things have got so bad that you must fix it, that you actually do go back to fix it. And by then it is often so hard to fix that you really can’t afford the time or the risk.

有时候,你必须承担技术债务来赶上截止日期或者实现功能的一小部分。尽量不要处在这种位置,但是形势完全要求这样 但是如果情况绝对需要,那就继续吧。但是(而且这是个很大的但是),你必须跟进技术债务并且马上偿还,要不事情会急转直下。一旦你做了妥协的决定,纪要把它写在任务卡上,或者记录在你发问题追踪系统中,以确保它不被忘记。

There are times when you must incur(/ɪn’kɜː/ 引发,蒙受) technical debt to meet a deadline or implement a thin slice of a feature. Try not to be in this position, but if the situation absolutely demands(要求) it, then go ahead. But (and this is a big BUT) you must track technical debt and pay it back quickly or things go rapidly downhill. As soon as(一…就) you make the decision to compromise(/’kɒmprəmaɪz/ 妥协), write a task card or log it in your issue(发行,问题) tracking system to ensure that it does not get forgotten.


If you schedule(/’ʃedjuːl/ /’skɛdʒul/ 安排) repayment of the debt in the next iteration, the cost will be minimal. Leaving the debt unpaid will accrue(/ə’kruː/ 产生,积累) interest and that interest should be tracked to make the cost(成本,损失) visible. This will emphasize(/ˈemfəsaiz/ 强调) the effect on business value of the project’s technical debt and enables appropriate(/ə’prəʊprɪət/ 适当的) prioritization(优先次序) of the repayment. The choice of how to calculate and track the interest will depend on the particular(详细的) project, but track it you must.


Pay off(还清) technical debt as soon as possible. It would be imprudent(不明智的) to do otherwise.

Seb Rose, 顾问,教练,设计师,分析师,和超过30年的开发者。

Consultant, coach, designer, analyst and developer for over 30 years. 《The Cucumber for Java Book》主要作者。
Contributing author to “97 Things Every Programmer Should Know” (O’Reilly) and lead author of “The Cucumber for Java Book” (Pragmatic Programmers)
参考:Seb Rose

By Seb Rose





  1. 马丁·福勒,是一个软件开发方面的著作者和国际知名演说家,专注于面向对象分析与设计,统一建模语言,领域建模,以及敏捷软件开发方法,包括极限编程,2000年3月,他成为ThoughtWorks的首席科学家。参考:马丁·福勒百度百科 
